
(frequently asked questions)

How do we get involved?

  • This one’s easy. There is no registration process or extra admin. Just download the Holy Ground app, sign in or create an account, and then record and publish your prayer walk.

Is this only for churches?

  • Anyone can join in; churches, entire denominations, home groups, couples, individuals.

Where do we walk?

  • Again, no rules here. We like the idea of praying on the streets where you live, work, study, or play. But don’t let that limit you. Let’s map the whole city in prayer!

Do we have to wait until October 25th to start?

  • Who are we to say you can’t pray!? The timeframe (Friday 25 October to Sunday 10 November) is just to provide a focus for everyone to lean in together. You’re very welcome to get started early and/or keep praying after.

Is the Holy Ground App easy to use?

  • Yes, you’ll be ready to prayer walk in no time. Here’s a basic outline of what you need to do:

    • download the app & open it

    • sign in or create an account,

    • click to start a walk

      • (we recommend checking progress as you go)

    • click when you’re finished,

    • and finally publish your walk.

What do we pray for while we are walking?

  • See the guide for more details, but we’d recommend keeping it simple; like praying for households, businesses, organisations, individuals, families and communities to flourish.

If I have other questions, can I email someone?

  • You sure can. Dale will do his best to respond to any questions you have; flick him an email.