New to prayer walking?

Here’s some guidance to help you get started. As always, these are just suggestions.
We trust God will lead you as you seek his leading for how to pray and what to pray for.

FINAL.jpg the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
— Jeremiah 29:7

Getting Yourselves Ready…

  • Before you start, Pray for the Auckland Prayer Walk initiative.

    • Pray that God will use it to bless the City.

    • Pray that the Church will be unified as we pray.

    • Pray above all that his kingdom would come.

  • Discern where you will Pray

    • We suggest prayer-walking the streets where you Live, Work, Play, or Study.

    • But don’t let that limit you. Let’s map the whole city in prayer!

    • You may find it useful to read the health and wellbeing statistics for your area before you pray.

  • Gather the Pray-ers

    • Praying on your own? Great!

    • Pairing up with a trusted friend, family member, flatmate or spouse? Awesome!

    • Praying as a larger group? Cool!

  • Be Safe and Considerate

    • As you think about who you will pray with, where you will pray, and what time of day or night, we suggest that you:

      • a) consider the safety of yourselves and others

      • b) seek to pray in ways that are not disruptive to the places you will be praying.

        • Yes, we want the kingdom to disrupt sin and injustice in the world…

        • But, we also want to be good neighbours wherever we go!

Getting the App Ready…

  • Download the Holy Ground App from the Google or Apple Play Store.

  • Open the App.

  • Sign in or create an account, following the instructions on screen.

  • That’s it! You’re ready to prayer walk!

Getting your Prayers Ready…

  • Let the Spirit Guide your Prayers

    • We have no desire to tell people how to pray! Be led by the Spirt!

    • Be open to new insights, new promptings, new directions, new places to prayer walk, new things to pray for.

  • Let the Word Shape your Prayers

    • It is always right to pray for God’s kingdom to come, and for our neighbours to be blessed, that their lives would flourish according to God’s will. Here are some examples you may find helpful:

      • Spiritual flourishing. Pray for people to be at peace with God and themselves. Ultimately that they would come to know and love Jesus.

      • Relational flourishing. Pray for health, honesty, forgiveness and sharing between friends, co-workers, within families and neighbourhoods.

      • Economic flourishing. Pray for individuals, families, businesses and other civic entities to have positive, creative and humane ways of accessing, handling and sharing wealth.

      • Social flourishing. Pray for the increase of wisdom, tolerance, understanding and compassion as we seek to build a society that can respect one another even when we disagree on matters important to us.

      • Creational flourishing. Pray for creation to increasingly declare God’s goodness. For fruit trees, streams and rivers, bush and beaches, maunga and gardens.

  • Let the City Ground your Prayers

    • As you see various places (homes, businesses, schools, organisations, maunga, streams, gardens, etc.) on your walk, ask for God to show you how to pray for each one.


Tell Us How it Went…

How’d it go? Would you share your stories with us?

Prayer is personal and private, but it’s also communal and public activity. Sharing stories about how you sensed God at work as you prayed doesn’t mean you are ‘blowing your trumpet’ about what a great pray-er you are. Rather, it can be really encouraging to others to help them get started or keep going in prayer.

Email us and let us know how it went.